Indigofera Tinctoria
Indigofera Tinctoria may well be one of the very best things you can put on your skin. It is incredibly useful with the reduction of skin cells. In other words, helps to get rid of dandruff. And if that is not enough - it has been proven effective as an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent.

Rheum Palmatum
Used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, Rheum Plamatum has been also researched by modern science and has found to be anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, and anti-oxidative.

Phellodendron Amurense
Phellodendron Amurense has a lot to offer when it comes to skincare. Being a member of the citrus family, we use it for its amazing anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory qualities to relieve pain and inflammation in the skin.

Sapindus Mukurossi
Having natural detergent and foaming properties, this fast-growing tropical deciduous tree is one of the most remarkably useful botanicals out there. Sapindus Mukurossi, commonly known as Soapberry, has been used for centuries as a natural remedy. This ancient botanical is known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Phellodendron Amurense
Also known as Amur Cork Tree, is a member of the citrus family (Rutaceae). Native to Korea, northern China (the Amur River near Siberia, and Japan, its derivatives are used to relieve inflammation, pain, and eczema. Modern science has demonstrated its efficacy as an anti-inflammatory 1,2,3 and anti-microbial agent 4,5,6.
CONTROL botaniplextm
Our Scalp Lotion was developed using a unique technology available only to us in our Kamedis labs. This technology is called CONTROL Botaniplex™ – a multifunctional skin restoring system for flaky, itchy scalp. This system features a synergistic combination of botanicals with multiple effects that restore the skin's natural moisture barrier.

Clinically proven to reduce dandruff
Clinically proven to dramatically reduce dandruff with consistent use of at least two weeks.

Satisfied customers
90% of our dandruff purchasers were satisfied with their products and will purchase them again!

High quality ingredients
As our pledge to purity, we don't use any harsh chemicals in our products. These products are tar free.
We believe everyone deserves healthy skin, free of irritations and relentless symptoms. For this reason, we’ve created a line of products that focus on relieving specific skin conditions through the power of botanicals. After years of meticulous research of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we’ve found the best synergistic combinations, and have brought them to you through modern day science. Giving your skin the best chance to return to it’s natural healthy balance.

"Dandruff is an often itchy rash on the scalp and certain parts of the face that is thought to be caused by the body’s immune system reaction to a yeast that inhabits on everyone’s scalp. The Dandruff Shampoo includes a combination of purified botanicals including indigo and Chinese soapberry. The shampoo’s intended to remove and prevent occurrences of dry and flaky dandruff as well as calm scalp irritation and redness."
Dr. Michael Traub , ND
Former president of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
"As a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in dermatology, I will always recommend my patients use products that are backed by science, safe for long-term use and have no known side effects. Kamedis products are formulated with unique botanicals and are clinically proven to improve various skin conditions. Long-term use of these products will not only rebalance the skin but also strengthen the skin barrier as well."
Dr. Eitan Berman , ND
Dermatologist and skin specialist with extensive experience in skin condition treatments